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Reducing Risk When Buying Shares in a Company
How can I manage risk when investing? Can risk be controlled by an investor? What are ways I can reduce risk in my investments? These are questions that might be at the back of your mind. I share my views on risk and how understanding intrinsic value and applying a margin of safety reduces that risk.
Learn From Your Investing Mistakes
We all make mistakes when investing; it is unavoidable, but if we want to survive in this game, we must learn from those mistakes to avoid repeating them. Even better is learning from each other’s experiences to avoid similar pitfalls altogether. With that in mind, I’d like to share a recent investment failure of mine
Your Path to Smarter Investing Begins Here!
If you’ve ever felt lost, frustrated, or even paralyzed by the noise and chaos of the stock market, you’re not alone. The constant flood of opinions, conflicting advice, and high-pressure sales tactics can leave anyone feeling defeated and uncertain. It’s a perilous journey, but you don’t have to walk it alone.